Friday, 9 November 2012

Gyms Basingstoke

The 18,000 sq ft Fitness First gym at Chineham Park, Basingstoke, is an excellent, fully equipped health and fitness centre which provides the opportunity to exercise and relax in a friendly environment on the Park.

Offering the very latest gym equipment and classes, the opportunity to use highly trained and enthusiastic personal trainers within a great atmosphere, the gym gives you the opportunity to make new friends, relax and of course achieve your fitness or weight loss goals.

Gyms Basingstoke

Fitness Basingstoke

Free presentation skills workshop on Chineham Park

Carmdale Ltd is pleased to offer their Presentation Skills taster Workshop for free to the customers on Chineham Park.
Carmdale is a local company based in Basingstoke, delivering training, development, coaching and mentoring services throughout the UK. They create bespoke courses designed specifically to meet the needs of individuals and organisations. They intend to run local bite-sized workshops covering a variety of subjects such as Stress Management, Assertiveness, Problem Solving and Decision Making.
Carmdale’s free Presentation Skills workshop allows them to introduce themselves to the Chineham Park and hopefully give something by way of personal development.Their team has many years of training and leadership experience; their people are qualified and experienced trainers, coaches and mentors.
They look forward to seeing you on the 21st November in what we hope will be an informal and fun workshop - we anticipate that everyone will find something useful to take away with them. If this event is a success, we hope to come back with more for you in the future.
This workshop will aim to help you:
• Be a more confident presenter
• Learn how to plan, prepare and present professionally
• Learn about the various methods of delivering a presentation
• Find out about the do’s and don’ts of presenting
• Learn about dealing with feedback
• Learn how to manage ‘difficult’ members of your audience
• Understand how to self-evaluate
• Avoid discrimination or over-stepping the mark
Date: 21st November 2012
Time: 10am to 12pm Venue: Central 40, Lime Tree Way, Chineham Park, Basingstoke, RG24 8GU
Cost: FREE
How to book: Click here to book your place - places are limited so please book early!
This event is being organised by Carmdale Ltd, but if you have any questions before the event please don't hesitate to contact Mark Corder, email:

Real evidence of business success at Chineham Park

Against the continuing backdrop of economic uncertainty, companies at Chineham Park are demonstrating that, here in Hampshire, there is a strong trend of growth with the announcement of several major acquisitions.

Rupert Batho, managing director at MEPC Chineham Park, explains, "In just the last six months at Chineham Park, we have seen four major acquisitions amongst our customers. These deals are not limited to one sector and include digital printing, mobile communications, software development and engineering. As Hampshire's premier business destination for smart companies, this level of merger and acquisitions activity clearly shows that we have the best environment for securing success."

In May this year, one of world leaders in dynamic publishing, Quark bought MobileIQ. This acquisition gave the Mobile IQ team an opportunity to continue developing an innovative roadmap for publishers, while expanding the use of their technology into new markets, such as financial services, manufacturing, and government.

This deal was followed in June when Postjet was acquired by Domino Printing Sciences plc, a global coding and printing multi-national. According to Nigel Bond, Group Managing Director of Domino Printing Sciences plc: "The global postal market is large and while postal volumes are in decline there is still a significant opportunity to grow across a range of applications. Postjet has leading technology in the sector and will further strengthen Domino’s digital printing capability."

In July, Talaris, which is headquartered at Chineham Park, was bought by Japanese firm Glory in a $1 billion deal. Glory has stated that it intends to become the world’s top brand for money-handling machines and the purchase of the leading British business in the industry was major step towards achieving that aim.

Most recently, Tyco International Ltd has merged with Pentair to create a global leader in water and fluid solutions, equipment protection and thermal management. The new company has been structured to benefit from the ever increasing demands on energy, water, infrastructure and agriculture resulting from the growing population and wealth of the world.

Rupert adds, "Chineham Park is the common factor for all these deals. Our customers are succeeding on an international scale and, post purchase, are becoming major players across the globe in their specific industries."

Chineham Park Steps Up Their Beat

Community Beat Manager for Chineham, PC Jim Charlton, has recently completed his level two in British Sign Language (BSL) thanks to sponsorship from MEPC's Chineham Park.

After dealing with a case of harassment against two deaf people, Jim became interested in the deaf community and decided to learn BSL. Jim applied to be one of Hampshire Constabulary’s Police Link Officers for Deaf people (PLOD) in 2010 and completed his level one at Sonus in Southampton. The role of a PLOD is to ensure that deaf people have equal access to justice and the police service in general, and to act as a point of contact in the deaf community.

Jim said: “To become a PLOD it was essential to learn BSL. I passed level one in 2011 and decided to take the level two straight away so I didn’t forget what I had already learnt. The level two certificate helps develop vocabulary and focuses on the structure of your BSL, which is different to that of the English language.”

When Jim decided to take on the level two, he sent an email to all his contacts asking for sponsorship so that he was able to pay for the course. Richard Hawkes, Estate Manager at Chineham Park and Jim’s point of contact on the Park, suggested that Chineham Park could jointly fund Jims’ level two course, in partnership with Hampshire Constabulary.

Richard said: “Here at Chineham Park, we are always doing what we can to engage with the local community and help out where we can. When I saw Jim's email, I thought it would be a nice gesture to help with the course funds for him. We are always grateful for the work the Basingstoke and Hampshire police do in making a safer community.”

Since completing the BSL level two course, Jim has had to use his new skills a number of times, from dealing with parking disputes to taking crime reports.